Sunday 18 May 2014


Lose Weight. Build Muscle. Increase Energy. Get Fit.

Ditch Dieting with the MonaVie 90-Day RVLution. Backed by science, this revolutionary program will help you hit your goals, no matter what they are. Lose weight, gain muscle, get fit. Join MonaVie's army of RVLutionaries and make your own life-changing transformation.

Mark Macdonald, MonaVie's nutrition and fitness expert is author of the New York Times bestselling book Body Confidence. Mark knows what it takes to manage your weight the right way. 

With an approach of eating not just healthily but correctly, Mark has helped hundreds of thousands to balance their blood sugar, resulting in more fat burned, lean muscle preserved, and energy levels increased. 

When you take action and join the RVLution with Mark, you'll work through stabilizing your blood sugar and optimizing your exercise as you walk through the three phases of making your health goals a reality—Weight Management, Break Through, and Lifestyle.

For more info on the RVLution go to:
Step 1: Get Involved
Step 2: Focus on Nutrition
  • Supplement your diet with the MonaVie RVL Premier Weight Solution products to help you achieve your weight management goal.
Step 3: Get Moving
  • Participate in a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity 3 to 5 days per week.
Achieving body confidence is simple when you have the right tools. Filled with exclusive insights from New York Times bestselling author and CNN health and fitness contributor Mark Macdonald, the Start the Revolution pack is the right combination of tools for your weight management goals.

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